UTU attended a meeting this morning regarding the way forward for schools in dealing with the COVID19. All key personnel attended the meeting including the Minister for Education, the Permanent Secretary, representatives of the Employing Authorities and education unions, both teaching and non-teaching.
It was the first time that all key personnel and decision makers in the education system had come together to begin to formulate a joined-up, coherent approach to the situation facing us and that was welcomed.
The Minister for Education stated his intention to issue a letter to schools to provide a broad strategy for the way forward. The letter has now been sent to schools and other educational settings download below).
The detail of the way forward is to be addressed as a matter of urgency by working groups taken from those present.
It is vital that you, the practitioners, share the out-workings of these decisions with us in the coming days to enable us to contribute effectively to developing policy.
We commend you for your continuing calm and professional approach to what are extremely difficult times.
UTU will continue to keep you updated.
Jacquie White
General Secretary