(028) 9066 2216

Join the UTU

Reasons to join the Ulster Teachers' Union

"Caring for teachers, caring for children"

  • The UTU is the only union based solely in Northern Ireland.
  • The UTU has experienced and qualified staff to give help and support to members. Officials will meet members at their schools, in their homes or elsewhere. These meetings can be before, during or after school hours.
  • Regular visits are made, by Officials, to schools throughout Northern Ireland to enable teachers to voice concerns and raise queries.
  • The UTU retains the services of a long established firm of solicitors - there is no further fee to UTU members who require legal help with a problem in the course of their professional duties.
  • The UTU offers access to excellent fringe benefits, membership plus, insurance and financial.
  • The UTU only recruits from the qualified teaching body and is dedicated to representing the interests of qualified teachers.
  • The UTU has a long tradition of promoting equality issues - members sit on a number of committees dedicated to equality.
  • The UTU is not affiliated to any political party and represents the interests of all members in discussions with all political parties.
  • The UTU is, however, affiliated to NIC-ICTU (Northern Ireland Committee - Irish Congress of Trade Unions) and maintains close links to education and other unions.
  • The UTU promotes the interests of ALL teachers and has specific groups for students, young teachers and principals.


Become a member

Join Northern Ireland's only Pay As You Earn Teachers Union